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German Sentence Analyser

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     1. adv. how
           Wie groß bist du? - How tall are you?
           Ich weiß nicht, wie die Katze hereingekommen ist. - I don't know how the cat got in.
           Wie wunderbar! - How wonderful!
     2. conj. like
           Freunde sind wie Sterne in der Nacht. - Friends are like stars in the night.
     3. conj. as
           Wie ihr wisst, bin ich in Dortmund aufgewachsen. - As you know, I grew up in Dortmund.
           Ich bin so schnell wie du. - I’m as fast as you are.
     4. conj. (colloquial nonstandard) than
           Der Junge ist größer wie sein Vater. - The boy is taller than his father.
     5. conj. (chiefly colloquial) when referring to the past
           Ich hab ihn gesehen, wie ich in Köln war. - I saw him when I was in Cologne.
           Wie ich zur Tür herauskomme, steht da mein alter Schulfreund. - When I came out the door, my old school-day friend was standing in front of me.
     1. contraction. contraction of bei dem : at the, by the, etc. (followed by a masculine or neuter singular noun in the dative case)
           Das Postamt befindet sich beim Hauptbahnhof. - The post office is near the main train station.
          1. prep. (locative) by; near
                die Bank bei der Kirche - the bench/bank by the church
                die Bäckerei beim Bahnhof - the bakery near the train station
          2. prep. (with a person, family, shop) at
                Ich schlafe bei Peter. - I’m sleeping at Peter’s place.
                Ich bin beim Metzger. - I'm at the butcher’s.
          3. prep. (with an organization or company) for; at; in
                bei der Firma arbeiten - to work for the firm
                das Arbeitsklima bei Schmidt & Co. - the working atmosphere at Schmidt & Co.
          4. prep. (formal, reflexive) with; on
                Er hat es nicht bei sich. - He doesn’t have it on him.
                  → for which usually: Er hat es nicht dabei.
          5. prep. (with an event considered certain) upon, at the time of
                bei Abfahrt des Zuges - upon departure of the train
          6. prep. (with an event considered theoretical) in case of, in the event of
                bei Hochwasser - in case of flooding
          7. prep. (with a continuing activity or condition) during; while; during the existence of
                bei der Arbeit - during work
                beim Lesen des Textes - while reading the text
                bei Schnee - when there is snow
          8. prep. (with an item that implies an activity) over; during
                bei einem Glas Wein - over a glass of wine (that is, while drinking it)
                bei einem Film - during a film (that is, while watching it)
          9. prep. (dated, in a postal address) care of; via
                Frau Tina Müller bei Firma Schmidt & Co. - Mrs Tina Müller, care of Schmidt & Co.
          10. prep. (now dialectal, nonstandard, northern and central Germany, withaccusative) with, to, towards
                Leg dat bei die andern Sachen! - Put that with the other things!
                Komm ma bei mich! - Come to me!
          1. art. dative singular of der: the
          2. pron. dative singular of der: to whom, to which
     1. v. third-person singular present of sorgen
     2. v. second-person plural present of sorgen
     3. v. plural imperative of sorgen
          1. v. to take care of, to care for, to look after
                Er sorgt für den Haushalt. - He takes care of the household.
                Sie sorgt für meine Kinder. - She cares for my children.
          2. v. to bring, ensure, make for
                Die Livemusik sorgte für gute Stimmung. - Live music made for a good atmosphere.
          3. v. to worry, be worried
                Ich sorge mich um deine Gesundheit. - I am worried about your health.
     1. Proper noun. , common in Southern Germany as an occupational surname for those who watched livestock at night
     2. adv. also; too; as well (in addition to whatever or whoever has previously been listed)
           Ich will auch ein Eis. - Stress on “auch”: I too want icecream.
           Ich will auch ein Eis. - Stress on “Eis”: I want icecream, too.
     3. adv. Used for emphasis.
     4. adv.          (To confirm a preceding statement by someone else): really, actually, indeed, in fact
                   Ich will auch ein Eis. - Stress on “will”: I do indeed want icecream.
                   Das ist auch so. - Stress on “ist”: It really is like that.
                   Du solltest zur Polizei gehen. ― Mach ich auch. - You should go to the police. ― I will.
     5. adv.          (To ask for confirmation of something one considers necessary.)
                   Hast du das Licht auch ausgemacht? - Did you make sure to turn off the light?
     6. adv.          (To imply that something is unreasonable.)
                   Du bist auch witzig... Wie soll ich das denn ohne Auto alles schaffen?! - You’re oh so ingenious... How am I supposed to get all of this done wit
                   Warum müssen die auch alle ihren Müll hier abladen! - Why do they all have to dump their rubbish here!
     7. adv. even ((implying an extreme example in the case mentioned, as compared to the implied reality))
           Auch wenn das stimmt, ist es noch kein endgültiger Beweis. - Even if this is true, it is no definite proof.
           Auch ein Professor schreibt schon mal was falsch. - Even a professor may misspell something at times.
     8. adv. ever (as in whatever, whenever, however, etc.)
           Was du auch tust, es wird immer einer besser sein. - Whatever you do, someone will always do it better.
     9. interj. (in answering a yes-no question, used to express that the thing asked about covers part of the truth but not all of it); “yes, and more”
           Ach, du bist Bauingenieur. Dann baust du Brücken? — Auch. - Oh, you’re a construction engineer. So you build bridges? — Yeah. And other things, too.
     1. contraction. contraction of bei dem : at the, by the, etc. (followed by a masculine or neuter singular noun in the dative case)
           Das Postamt befindet sich beim Hauptbahnhof. - The post office is near the main train station.
          1. prep. (locative) by; near
                die Bank bei der Kirche - the bench/bank by the church
                die Bäckerei beim Bahnhof - the bakery near the train station
          2. prep. (with a person, family, shop) at
                Ich schlafe bei Peter. - I’m sleeping at Peter’s place.
                Ich bin beim Metzger. - I'm at the butcher’s.
          3. prep. (with an organization or company) for; at; in
                bei der Firma arbeiten - to work for the firm
                das Arbeitsklima bei Schmidt & Co. - the working atmosphere at Schmidt & Co.
          4. prep. (formal, reflexive) with; on
                Er hat es nicht bei sich. - He doesn’t have it on him.
                  → for which usually: Er hat es nicht dabei.
          5. prep. (with an event considered certain) upon, at the time of
                bei Abfahrt des Zuges - upon departure of the train
          6. prep. (with an event considered theoretical) in case of, in the event of
                bei Hochwasser - in case of flooding
          7. prep. (with a continuing activity or condition) during; while; during the existence of
                bei der Arbeit - during work
                beim Lesen des Textes - while reading the text
                bei Schnee - when there is snow
          8. prep. (with an item that implies an activity) over; during
                bei einem Glas Wein - over a glass of wine (that is, while drinking it)
                bei einem Film - during a film (that is, while watching it)
          9. prep. (dated, in a postal address) care of; via
                Frau Tina Müller bei Firma Schmidt & Co. - Mrs Tina Müller, care of Schmidt & Co.
          10. prep. (now dialectal, nonstandard, northern and central Germany, withaccusative) with, to, towards
                Leg dat bei die andern Sachen! - Put that with the other things!
                Komm ma bei mich! - Come to me!
          1. art. dative singular of der: the
          2. pron. dative singular of der: to whom, to which
     1. adj. form of schnell
     1. n. electronics
     1. prep. for
           Das Geschenk ist für dich. - The present is for you.
     2. prep. in favor of, in support of
           Ich bin für die erste Option. - I'm in favor of the first option.
     3. prep. by the standards of
           Für einen Ausländer sprichst du sehr gut Deutsch. - For a foreigner, you speak German very well.
     4. prep. on behalf of
           Mein Anwalt wird das für mich beantworten. - My lawyer will answer to that on my behalf.
     5. prep. kind / type of
           Was für ein Kuchen ist das? - What kind of cake is this?
     6. prep. (informal) instead of
           Für die Hose hab ich jetzt den Rock genommen. - Instead of the trousers which I chose not to buy, I took the skirt.
     7. prep. (colloquial nonstandard) in order to (with zu and infinitive)
           Der Papa holt das Werkzeug, für die Waschmaschine zu reparieren. - Daddy is getting his tools in order to repair the washing machine.
     1. adj. form of zügig
          1. adj. quick, swift
                Wir verbürgen eine zügige Umsetzung des Plans. - We guarantee swift implementation of the plan.
          2. adj. (Swiss) appealing, attractive
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